Recommended Vaccines For Immunization In India 2016

Vaccination defends potentially deadly diseases. It develops and increase the immunity and prevents the spread of some infectious diseases like smallpox, polio, tetanus, etc. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the licensed vaccines are currently available which can prevent or at least contribute to the prevention and control of twenty-five preventable infections of the world.

In India, major percentage of the people are either unimmunized or partially immunized which leads to early deaths, critical sufferings, etc. The immunization cycle for about 13 vaccines (in India) starts since the birth of the child; also vaccines are given to the would be mothers also. Immunization is India is essential to protect the children from various diseases, theses diseases are either curable or incurable but at least prevention from the infections can be taken care of.

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The recommended vaccination chart for immunization in India is being made by the Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP) who critically analyze and study about the global trends, about effect of various vaccines. The list of recommended vaccines is made for all the Indian children. According to the Immunization schedule in India, the recommended vaccines listed are; BCG, HepB, Poliovirus, DTP, Hib, PCV, RV, Typhoid, MMR, Varicella, HepA, Tdap and HPV.

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If in any circumstances, doses are missed or delayed, the catch-up schedule for vaccination in India can solve your problem. IAP has created the catch-up chart to make sure that all the vaccines are given to the children, even after certain dose is missed out or delayed.